Akin Statement on Same Sex Ceremony on Military Base


Date: June 6, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO), Chairman of the Seapower & Projection Forces Subcommittee, released the following statement today after reports that a same-sex ceremony was performed recently in a military chapel at Fort Polk, Louisiana.

Congressman Akin, who has authored a provision in the House-passed National Defense Authorization Act dealing with this issue released the following statement:

"It is very concerning that a same-sex ceremony would occur on a military base in a state where the definition of marriage has been clearly defined as between one man and one woman. This action is clearly in contravention of state law, and also violates the Defense Department policies issued last fall. This appears to be a case where political agenda has trumped the rule of law, which is absolutely unacceptable. This confirms the importance of the language that my colleagues and I worked to include in the House-passed National Defense Authorization Act for 2013, which would protect chaplains and servicemembers from this liberal agenda. The same individuals who will violate the law to advance their agenda will persecute those around them who disagree with their views."

Congressman Akin has led the efforts to protect traditional marriage on military bases. In 2011, Congressman Akin offered an amendment to H.R. 1540 which was stripped by the Senate. In May 2012, Akin offered an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for 2013 which would protect servicemembers and chaplains from recriminations based on their concerns regarding same-sex marriage.
